Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Male infertility and Glutathione

1:31 AM | ,

It is a well-known fact that sperm has declined by half over the past 50 years, and that modern men have volume of sperm of 20 percent less than their parents (BMJ 1992, volume 305).

A recent report by Aberdeen scientists presented preliminary data that suggest the concentration of sperm of men seen in his clinic had decreased by 29% over the past 14 years.British fertility society (January 5, 2004)

Chemicals and pollutants POPs) disrupt the endocrine system of standard plastics, every day is known to cause reproductive damage as documented in the book of Theo Colborn "Our stolen future".

Damage caused by exposure to common as alcohol, pesticides, chemicals in food, semen has been linked to reduced intelligence and child behavior disorders.

Known risk factors to lower sperm quality include

≫ the habit of smoking
> alcohol consumption
> stress Chronicle
≫ the nutritional deficiencies.

Also you may want to exclude congenital factors and health such as prostatitis and diabetes can affect sperm production conditions.

Pollution is to steal our future, and there is very little anyone can do to evitarlos.No there may be a lot you can do to reduce your exposure to persistent environmental toxins.

But there are clear measures you can take to reduce the impact of environmental contaminants and toxins in the body.

It can prevent, and to some extent, repair the damage caused to his body, for a better lifestyle and nutrition.

These are some of the antioxidants and nutritional therapies that proved to be beneficial in the treatment of male infertility and improve the sperm motility of sperm morphology.

> carnitine
> arginine
> zinc
> selenium
> vitamin B - 12
> vitamin C
> vitamin E
> glutathione
> Coenzyme Q10

Studies show that antioxidant supplements - glutathione in particular - can improve the quality of the semen and possibly increase your chances of conceiving.

If you smoke, drink, is exposed to radiation, stress, chemical products, pesticides or take medicines or drugs (such as sulfasalazine, ketoconazole, azulfidine, anabolic steroids, marijuana) that affect fertility, consider taking a supplement of antioxidants to reverse some of the damage.

Why are they important antioxidants for sperm quality?

Mammalian sperm are coated by rich in fatty acids poliinsaturados.estos membrane fatty acids are extremely susceptible to oxidative damage from free radicals or species (ROS) reactive oxygen through a process called lipid peroxidation (LPO).

Lipid peroxidation damaged esperma.Se cell membrane believes that the key mechanism of damage induced by ROS sperm and leads to

> motility of sperm loss
> abnormal sperm morphology
> reduced oocyte penetration capacity
> infertility

To protect damage sperm, the body depends on powerful antioxidant in the body such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and Glutathione peroxidase/reductase (GPX/GRD) enzymes.

Seminal plasma and sperm have several antioxidant enzymes - glutathione reductase, Glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase.

Certain amount of all antioxidant enzymes, which can protect sperm oxidative attack, are also made by the epididymis during storage.

The enzyme Glutathione peroxidase/reductase play a central role in the defense against oxidative damage in human sperm.

What is glutathione for fertility and sperm quality important?

A decrease in the levels of reduced Glutathione (GSH) during the production of sperm is known to disrupt the integrity of the membrane of sperm due to increased oxidative stress.

Sperm intracellular glutathione levels are known to be decreased in certain populations of men infértiles.En versus a control group, infertile men in all groups had significantly higher levels of ROS and lower levels of total antioxidants.

There is strong clinical evidence to show that men diagnosed with infertility have high levels of oxidative stress which may impair the quality of your sperm.

In some groups, higher levels of ROS was associated with lower sperm counts and defective sperm cells structure, while lower levels of antioxidants correlated with reduced sperm movement.

Previous tests also showed that oxidative stress can reduce the life expectancy of a sperm, their motility and its ability to penetrate the cell egg or oocyte.

Up to 40% of men with unexplained male infertility have higher levels of radical activity on their bodies.

Since men with high levels of ROS are less likely to diesel induce pregnancy than men with low levels, the researchers recommend that treatment to infertile men should include strategies to reduce oxidative stress and improve the quality of sperm.

How can help glutathione in the treatment of infertility?

Glutathione is not only vital for the antioxidant defenses of sperm, but selenium and Glutathione in spermatids - which becomes a structural protein in the mid-piece of mature sperm enzyme are essential for the formation of "Phospholipid hydroperoxide Glutathione peroxidase".

When any substance is poor, can lead to instability in the mid-piece of sperm, resulting in defective motility.

Scavengers of radical free - such as glutathione - to restore the structure and function of poly-unsaturated acids fatty (PUFA), in the cell membrane, can be used to deal with these cases.

In a cross-over twenty infertile men double-blind study, glutathione treatment led to a statistically significant improvement in the quality of sperm.

The study in question men in whom the sperm quality was poor due to one-sided varicocele or inflammation of genital tract germ - free two conditions that indicate ROS or other toxic compounds as causal factors.

Glutathione treatment was also found to have a statistically significant positive effect on sperm motility (in particular forward motility) and sperm morphology.

The findings of these studies indicate that glutathione therapy could represent a potential therapeutic tool in cases where the ROS or exposure to toxins is the likely cause of infertility.