Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Glutathione for a healthy pregnancy

12:50 PM | , ,

But the modern environment and diet is deficient in many factors essential to the health of the mother and the feto.Uno factors is antioxidant.

The role of antioxidants as folic acid in the prevention of birth defects like spina bifida and cleft palate is well conocido.Ahora is included in all pre-natal vitamin supplements.

But often overlooked the role of antioxidants such as glutathione and vitamin E in pregnancy.

Antioxidants and Glutathione status play an important role in the development and growth of the fetus, maintenance of a healthy pregnancy - and even before pregnancy, fertility and conception.

Glutathione is master antioxidant the cuerpo.Ayuda regenerating stores other antioxidants such as vitamin C and e.

It also protects the mother and the fetus from the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress.

Many of the complications of pregnancy and birth defects have been linked to oxidative stress, free radicals damage and levels lower glutathione in the mother and fetus.

The role of glutathione in the development of the fetus and placenta is crucial. Glutathione (GSH) can control the cellular differentiation, proliferation and death of cells - essential functions in the developing embryo.

The placenta, glutathione pollutants detoxifies before they reach the child in desarrollo.La most substances or factors causing (Teratogens) birth defects known exert their effects of go because cause oxidative stress.

Human placenta has a significant amount of glutathione S-transferase (GST) capable of detoxification or activation of medicinal and pharmaceutical products during the critical period of organ in fetal development.

Some medications are known to cause birth defects in the fetus growing through radical generation free and depleting GSH stores.

Early embryonic, fetal is sensitive to chemicals, considering that it is sensitive to the carcinogenic effects during the final stages of fetal teratogenic and toxic effects.

Carcinogens administered to the mother can be transferred through the placenta and induce cancer in the feto.Muchos carcinogens are much more active in the fetus than adults, and tend to act as abortifacient and teratogenic as well.

Lifestyle and environmental factors are known to cause oxidative stress and lower levels of glutathione - resulting in miscarriage in pregnancy, abortion, and birth defects.

Some of the known (causing birth defects) teratogenic in pregnancy include:

or radiation
or pesticides and pollutants POPs)
or air pollution
or heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, arsenic)
or vinyl chloride
or Acryonitrile
or excess oxygen (hyperoxia)
or Anti-psychotic and antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)
or thalidomide
or the cigarette smoke
consumption of alcohol (ethanol)

Maternal health increase free radicals and causing birth defects factors include:

or diabetes
or Pre-eclampsia
or infection and inflammation

Glutathione and other antioxidants attenuate oxidative stress in pregnant women with inflammation or maternal conditions like diabetes and pre-eclampsia and babies at risk for cystic fibrosis.

Glutathione precursors and antioxidant supplementation may reduce the incidence of birth defects and protect maternal and fetal harmful and possibly fatal consequences of pregnancy complications.

Glutathione (GSH) also prevents or minimizes stress oxidative that occurs during the process of birth and employment.

Perinatal or birth asphyxia/hypoxia (deprivation of oxygen supply to the brain) in preterm birth and labour can lead to cerebral palsy, syndrome, respiratory distress, irreversible brain damage and permanent neurological impairments and intellectual.

Administration of the precursor to glutathione, N-N - acetyl-cysteine (NAC), the mother pregnant partially prevents oxidative stress during birth in preterm infants.

Currently, the American College of obstetrics and gynaecology informs all pregnant women to take a prenatal vitamin containing antioxidants.

In addition, advise to eat as many fruits and fresh vegetables, the best sources of antioxidant protection.

Read a detailed references on the role of glutathione in pregnancy

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid the use of glutathione complementaria.Las always pregnant women should consult with your health care provider of starting any course suplementos.Las management women who are pregnant or nursing should cease all supplements except as directed by your health care providers.