Thursday, September 30, 2010

3 Extremely effective ways use kettlebells to get into incredible shape FAST!

4:44 PM | , , , ,

If you have heard of kettlebells you need A...dumbbell was hidden have. Kettlebells are one of the latest pieces of exercise equipment to beat the United States and growing fast in popularity due to the results help to reach the other in the shortest time.

For those who know kettlebells are new to the United States, but are you by any means neue.In of fact, kettlebells for hundreds of years already have.Were sans some pictures of strong, basically unknown in the West, last with you in the 1800's and early 1900's to exercise specialist and Russian ex-special forces Member Pavel Tsatsouline re you around 2000 introduced.

Kettlebells looks like bowling balls with handles.They are effective, because the weight through the space both linear and non linear ways, you have to actively move, you work your whole body with just about every exercise. The following 3 are simple, but very effective exercises you can do with kettlebells so that you get ripped, strong, and dramatically increase your cardiovascular endurance as well.

The kettlebell swing-this is the core exercise with the kettlebell done.It's basically includes your holding the handle with two hands and the Bell swing through your legs and then came forward with your hips to swing the ball only overhead or levels up to the eye. This exercise works your entire body and is deceptively take effect. Newbies will realize this the next day... I promise.

The kettlebell clean-the clean is a popular makes lift, move, but with the kettlebell done, you are forced to stabilize the side of her body to where the kettlebell comes to rest.You will use your lower body to the Bell to wake and your arms to a lesser extent.This makes the kettlebell a super cool core movement to reinigen.Sie Bell bring out a rest dead or wipe from a swing.In both cases the Bell brings to your arms rest and close to the body as if you were chambering fist to throw a punch.Then, the Bell again to either bring rest or swing to the other side.

Kettlebell snatch-I know you have heard, the squat, called "King of the exercises", but once you tear out a few kettlebell decent weighing knock you want a new ruler Crown. includes joined this movement just heard kettlebell from the ground, and it then back down almost every muscle in your body effectively containing citizens.the kettlebell snatch and done for reps, having in sweat drips and quickly like a dying dog Atmung.Sie perhaps surprise that this, that a round ball piece search equipment to your body do kann.Make no mistake, the kettlebell EFFECTIVE.

Now, you have a little understanding of these exercises, you don't! that's good, until you do at least a first session with a certified kettlebell instructor can. required it is easy to hurt if you don't know, what you tust.Einmal get familiar with the kettlebells ways of the ballistic movement for kettlebell lifts, but not always want to back down! - Learn objective-setting strategies for fast fat loss, work! Emile Jarreau a 32 years fitness industry veteran and developer of

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Whooping cough or pertussis causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention

1:52 PM | , , , , , ,

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a bacterial infection of the lungs caused by a bacterium Bordetella pertussis.
-It is a disease of the respiratory tract.
-It is highly contagious.
-It is characterized by severe coughing spells sound, ending in a "whooping cough" If the person to breathe.
-The whoop comes from the inflammation and swelling of the larynx structures that vibrate when it faster tributary to the air during the inspiration.
-Cough, is the body the way try get rid of thick mucus (say Myoo Kus) out of the lungs.
It starts with cold and a mild cough and effects of the respiratory tract and lungs.
It is more common in infants and children under four years but can occur any person of any age.
-It is attributed to a bacterial infection in the breathing passage.
-The incubation period is seven to fourteen days.

It is caused by micro bacterial organisms.
-Adino viruses, respiratory infections and para influenza are conditions that may affect even whooping cough.
-Falsch feeding habits with refined and plant design food and lack of fresh fruit and vegetables is the actual cause.

-Früh symptoms, runny nose, dry cough and substandard fever.
-Husten is heavy with time.
-During episodes of cough can face red or blue (cyanosis) due to a lack of oxygen.
Loss of appetite.
-Sore throat.
-Symptome episode, coughing up thick mucus and fatigue are also vomiting after a cough.
-Extreme can broken ribs, hernia and broken blood vessels in the eyes and the skin symptoms.
-When infants can be extreme dehydration, pneumonia, seizures, brain damage and respiratory symptoms.

-Hause stay from school and from other people.
Which doctor.
Are exhausted or you plenty of rest.
-Essen healthy food.
-Trinken you plenty of water.
Resistant blankets you your mouth when you cough or sneeze.

The diagnosis is based on symptoms, test the physical examination and culture or the EDA (direct fluorescent antibody), nasopharyngeal secretions.

View the original article here

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

About dyslexia... definition and symptoms of dyslexia.

4:28 PM | , , ,

Dyslexia is not disorder associated with intelligence. Children suffer from dyslexia often have higher IQ. The Dyslexic child often suffers from a particular learning disability as well as subjected to ineffective statement. Dyslexia is a developmental learning disorder, that happens usually during the early years of a school going child. There is an inability, letters to mix their order and reading difficulties with numbers. This disability creates a significant gap between the true potential and daily performance of a child at school. No two dyslexic children are exactly alike.

Dyslexia can statement, auditory perception by ineffective reading difficulties, visual perception difficulties speech processing difficulties are caused.

-A child who appears to be bright if you are to talk, but fight, when ask to read, write or to cope with mathematics is the strongest indicator of dyslexia.
-A child Dyslexic faces maximum problem when it comes to Rechtschreibung.Beispiele for words that cause particular difficulties: all island many, said, because enough, and friend.
-Durcheinander spellings cause problems for a child are such words Legastheniker.Beispiel dose / occurs, boyfriend/girlfriend, Siad / said bulè/blue, becuase / da and Wores worse.
-Poor handwriting or printing ability.
-Poor drawing ability.
-A Dyslexic person can difficulties in the recognition of left or right face.
-It is difficult to remember for a Dyslexic, understand or repeat something.
-Some mix children until 'b' and had ', or 'p' and the number 9.Diese letters are the same in their reflection and regular confusion for a Dyslexic person.
-A Dyslexic person faces problem in getting things in order.
-A child Dyslexic faces problems to organize.
-A child Dyslexic faces problem in following 2 or 3 step guide.
-Er can reverse letters, to read or write n as u, w, d q p as b f as t m.
-Er can read or write words like no for, rat for tar, won for now, for saw was.
-Legastheniker can put letters in the wrong order, as links, act as a cat, reserve as reverse, expect as except read felt.
-The Dyslexic faces problems in with figures and calculations, read or write from 17 for 71, problems with mental arithmetic.
-A Dyslexic can ignore punctuation, skips, prefixes and suffixes or adds suffixes, reads only to the present.

Dyslexic people are Visual, multidimensional Denker.Sie are intuitive and in pictures think, it's sometimes hard for you to letters, digits, highly creative and excel at practical lernen.Weil icons and written words are.

The emotional turmoil that these children to take to manifest in the following ways such as fear, self image, depression, anger, brothers and sisters can Rivalit?t.Er compared to their peers physically and socially immature Gesicht.Aufgrund of sequencing and memory problems can affect a different event order every time the Dyslexic he something teilt.Lehrer, parents and psychologists can determine that he either psychotic or a pathological liar.

View the original article here

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Permanent hair removal

5:50 PM |

This massive growth of hair, which equally affects both sexes.

Procedures such as hair removal wax , regular shaving or plucking the hair of the affected body parts are methods that anyone can use themselves, however, is the very limited success. Even any skin irritation after hair removal discourages regular use.

Many people therefore use now on a permanent hair removal. These different treatments are offered, such as the laser treatment in which hair follicles are permanently destroyed by the laser action. Other methods are the IPL-method and Nadelepilation, of which the latter works with electricity. The procedure is the latest IOS (Intelligent Optical Saphire) - System, Software-which works with pure light. The required energy can thereby be tuned to the areas to be treated.

Which treatment method is applied is ultimately up to you. In addition to the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment method to play the cost of permanent hair removal a significant role. Also, some treatments may only be performed by qualified dermatologists.
Therefore you should seek advice at the practicing dermatologist and cosmetic institutes.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How to Prevent heart attack

3:22 PM |

Healthy life is a reward. Researchers have even found that the risk for cardiovascular disease and its consequences such as fatal heart attack in a healthy way of life can be quite halved. What hides behind the term "healthy lifestyle" and what can actually do some of the personal risk of heart attack by half to be? Now this one should be aware of the risk factors that can lead to heart attack. Topping the list are smoking and cholesterol. If you get these two to handle, is a big step towards "healthy living" done.

The thing with the risk factor smoking is easy and difficult time. One only has to stop, difficult as it may be. A high cholesterol level you can feel not only can you measure it, but also see. People with obesity in the abdominal region in particular have usually also high cholesterol. The first step to handle this is to get in, so losing weight through healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in animal fats. The fat should need fats like canola oil and olive oil are covered from plant. These are indeed, like all fats, calories carrier, but included the important fatty acids, the positive impact on cholesterol levels. The most important omega-3 fatty acid is ALA, for which a positive effect on cholesterol and heart health has been demonstrated. ALA is found in canola oil, and especially highly concentrated in linseed oil. Therefore, linseed oil is so healthy and an important donor of valuable omega-3 fatty acids. So it is medically appropriate, part of the daily diet to make linseed oil.

Well, unfortunately, contains linseed oil flavors, direct consumption, not just a culinary delight to make. Moreover, it is very sensitive and valuable fatty acids can be easily destroyed. So it makes sense to use specially treated linseed oil. In a patented process is managed from Germany pharmacists, highly purified linseed oil with a high content of ALA in easy to swallow capsules produce. These capsules are as OmVitum ® from the company Navitum pharmaceutical trade. OmVitum ® is a balanced diet in addition to dietary treatment of atherosclerosis and elevated inflammatory values. Three capsules daily provide the body with the ALA. OmVitum ® as a monthly package (PZN 4604189), or as a cheap three-month supply (PZN 0262160) is accompanying practice pharmacy or health centers for occupancy about. In terms via pharmacy should be noted that OmVitum ® because of the unique composition of seemingly similar products can be ausgetaucht, others by. Each pharmacy, as well as any accompanying health practice can OmVitum ® without additional work directly with clients and patients Navitum shipping for order Pharma.

The tooth-whitening - new radiance to the teeth

3:21 PM |

The regular trip to the dentist should be a matter of course, to keep the teeth healthy as possible into old age. The statutory health insurance companies pay only for the treatment of pathological changes, which are often perceived as ugly stains are not covered. By the consumption of coloring foods and beverages, like wine, coffee, tea or nicotine, are permanently stored in the teeth of paint substance that can not be eliminated by ordinary brushing teeth. As the years take the once-white teeth an ugly brownish discoloration on - promises to remedy the tooth-bleaching, the artificial illumination of hydrogen peroxide.

Tooth whitening at the dentist
Before bleaching, the dentist will first examine your teeth and restore if necessary blemishes and remove superficial deposits (tartar). The bleaching gel may be used on healthy teeth can be applied. Subsequently, a custom fitting dental splint is manufactured, filled with bleaching gel and placed on the teeth. The drug takes a few minutes to the tooth and dissolves the paint down to the depth inside. As a rule, reached after a meeting the desired shade.

Tooth whitening at home
Alternatively the bleaching in practice, a number of products for home use, based on the same principle. In contrast to the dental application, the gel is less highly concentrated and must be applied several times until the desired result shows. To apply, there are products with tape or prefabricated trays which fit under the heat of the individual jaw shape.

Mental relaxation and stress management

3:14 PM |

In this day and age almost everyone suffers from stress. This already starts and ends with students on to top executives and government officials.

But why stress?
The demands on our people continue to rise forever. An average Central Europeans must accept today many times the information in a week and process also compared what else was common 100 years ago. The rate of development in our society is also growing continuously: we should join all the technical innovations in our department to constantly be on the cutting edge, extremely Freizeittauglich be to have social skills, when and where possible, the ideal family man to be, and so on and so forth . In these conditions, the one who is still surprised that stress and stress-related diseases probably most common health problems these days are. But what are the possibilities and ways to address it against this?
The secret lies in tightly integrated period of rest, which we allow ourselves to relax to specifically and regularly - and thus to ensure a regular balance to the permanent load. The following things are suitable for use particularly a balance to stress: a try for lunch for a walk, or engage the evening after work for a relaxing bath or enjoy a good book in our favorite chair. These are ways to help us simply to relax and achieve peace.
Exactly this kind of peace it is helping us to compensate for permanent overload to create and switch off once you to. But there are more ways - namely, for example, mental training.
In the mental is a development of autogenic training. In autogenic training or mental training, the user creates using a Progressive muscle relaxation relaxing and very relaxed state in your body. This approach ensures that our brain begins to produce alpha waves. It does so even when we sleep at night. But we oppose the mental completely awake. The user is therefore able to enjoy aware of this relaxation. Once the user masters the basic level of mental training or autogenic training it is possible for him to relax quickly and easily anywhere, and that regardless of the place where they happen. After a few simple exercises you in this way quickly recovered and fresh and full of new strength for the tasks ahead.
With mental training you can relax independently of time and place and let go easily. This ability brings not just the immediate restful and relaxing effect, an additional very useful long-term effect.
With regular use reduces the stress level of the user - he is more relaxed and less pressured. Thus he reduces his risk of - the widespread, stress-related illnesses - so it also promotes your health and well-being with regular relaxation.

Where and how can you learn mental training?
Meanwhile, there are many books and CDs on the market. A look at Amazon and is enough to get a number of products. But the bases and the proper use to learn to provide professional supplier of a mental training to seminary, where they learned these methods that is under the supervision of an experienced trainer and get used to not accidentally reversed in processes. One can already learn in a one-or two-day courses to relax easily and so in the future reduce stress easily.

Are you a stress eater?

3:10 PM |

Stressessser be easier thick. The science has long since figured out the. Who out of frustration and grief unhealthy to prejudge the general Ernährungstipps.Haben not help you finally had enough of excess weight?

Sugar, too much fat, alcohol and soft drinks are the classic thickener and multiply so that your stress! A vicious circle. Stress-ravenous-stress. Women in particular tend to grab or hold on sweets. Here the matter is very easy when you know you, to reward what one eighth muss.Gestresste 'people currently in acute stress calculated with the wrong foods. Slimming staying slender and long term? So what can you do?

Outwit the heimtükische pleasure center. Less or no stress means less pounds and a possible reduction of obesity. Sugar, too much fat, alcohol and soft drinks are the classic thickener and multiply in addition to weight and your stress!

Stressed people reward "just in acute stress situations just with the wrong foods and do not pay attention to healthy nutrition. The consequences are fatal. A vicious circle ensteht. Stress-ravenous-stress. In the matter would be relatively easy.

Outwit the pleasure center, which would necessarily something sweet or salty or be content only with huge portions are. For fatigue, poor concentration and performance downs are the logical consequence of a wrong diet. Whether at work, as a housewife or Hausmann, as a pupil or student.

In the e-book you will learn the stress eater healthy diet but also know the fat burner. So there is food and eating habits stressfördernde and stressmildernde! This is not a "seed picker-only-yet-organic vegetarian" conviction. You just have to understand the needs of your cunning and often heimtükischen stress hormones really! Will you lovingly cared for by you, leave the Bister in peace.

The E-Book "stress eater" provides questions and provides expert answers. From the contents:

• The greater the lack of magnesium, the more thin is her nerves!
• Anti-stress diet to combat obesity
• What do the Schokokalade with your stress?
• Why the Glyx index is so important. And what the hell is the Glyx?
• Are there optimal brain food?
• How can I do in everyday life balanced diet and healthy?
• What should I eat, what to avoid more? Is it right fat burner?
• Why stress makes you fat and causes obesity?
• What are slow and fast sugar?
• Where is the the Appetitzentrale?
• Quick tired, listless and tired and what you can do about it
• Anti-stress diet. Is there such a thing?
• Learn to distinguish the sound of bad proteins
• Do you know the stress balance diet formula?

Have not we already have enough food rules and why now "stress eater"? Is that not everything in life too complicated and too scientific? No - definitely not!

Forget all the countless miracles and heilversprechenden and crash diets. Listen to your body back! He really knows quite naturally, what does it well. My gut feeling says "you know when lacking the proper nutrients and it is time to do something about it! But just in case of stress is also the natural feeling of fullness lost and you have to learn again to listen to your "gut feeling". The e-book stress eater will show you how this works. Are you mad?
Through years of wrong eating habits is no longer the acid-base balance. This can lead to pain and movement restrictions. Why is that and how you can easily cope with the feared acidosis especially in chronic stress explains the stress-balance equation: Simple - simple - effective.

Skin care for sunburn

2:58 PM |

The human needs and loves the sun. It stimulates the formation of endogenous endorphins (endorphins) and vitamin D to. You feel completely vital, balanced, better mood. A Well, that can quickly become frivolous. Who wants to hazards such as sunburn, skin aging and even skin cancer are already thinking, if he feels good all around. However, even within minutes to UVA and UVBStrahlen inflict irreparable damage to the skin. The particularly high-energy UVB radiation and age spots can be caused sunburn. The UVA rays penetrate deep into the epidermis and are mainly responsible for skin aging and long-term damage such as skin cancer.

How do you protect them properly?

1). As the skin changes with age?
More mature skin is usually dry and more vulnerable to damage. It is not as elastic. Therefore, they need special care and usually tolerate slightly higher fat products.

2). The sun affects the skin aging?
There are two distinct factors: First, does the "outer" skin aging. The habits also have an influence as the environment. And this includes above all the sunlight. The other is the inner "skin aging, which is genetic.

3). Which light skin to the old components?
The invisible ultraviolet radiation penetrates the outer layers of skin to a connective tissue. UV-A is the long-wave rays that damage the elastic fibers in the skin. UV-B rays are short wave and cause skin tanning, but also a sunburn. A high UV radiation also increases the risk of skin cancer.

4). How do the sunscreen?
First, by the sun protection factor. He says the factor by which prolong the time you can stay in the sun. A sun protection factor of 10 would increase the so-called self-protection time of a light type from 10 minutes to 1 0-fold, 100 minutes. Second, we distinguish physical and chemical filters. Physical filters are made of micro pigments reflect sunlight and thus also the UV rays. They are particularly suitable for children and sensitive skin. Chemical filters absorb UV rays, but it can cause allergic reactions.

5). How do I apply sunscreen correctly?
Sunscreen should be applied before sun exposure can not be frugal and carefully on the exposed skin. Especially after swimming and sweating Nachcremen is important - even for waterproof products. Because of the protection factor is only one value determined in the laboratory, it can be lower in actual use by up to two thirds. Moreover, the radiation increased by water, sand, but also snow.

6). What can I do for a sunburn?
It is important to drink plenty, the best water. With a slight sunburn to help commercial Apres products. They contain much water and little fat and have a cooling in this way. This applies to yogurt and cottage cheese, which is applied to a cloth cool the respective parts of the skin.